Visual System

Welcome to Andrzej Wróbel site

List of Publications

Journal articlesBook Chapters
  • Sławińska U, Hunt MJ, Wróbel A (2024) Professor Stefan Kasicki (1947-2024) and his contribution to understanding the neural networks mediating locomotion. Acta Neurobiol Exp, Obituaries 2024-08-13 (pdf)
  • Łabęcki M, Nowicka MM, Wróbel A, Suffczyński P (2024) Frequency‐dependent dynamics of steady‐state visual evoked potentials under sustained flicker stimulation, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-59770-5 (pdf)
  • Rogala J., Dreszer J., Sińczuk M., Wróbel A. Konarzewski M. (2024) Local variation in brain temperature explains gender-specificity of working memory performance, doi: 10.1101/2024.02.14.580344 (pdf)
  • Rogala J, Milner R, Wróbel A (2024) Neurofeedback in Poland: Past and Present. In: International Trends in Neurofeedback, Vol 1, pp 84-104, The FNRR.
  • Raciborska I., Dzwiniel P., Kordecka K., Posłuszny A., Waleszczyk W., Wróbel A. (2024) Optical imaging of the intrinsic signal as a tool to characterize orientation sensitivity in the primary visual cortex of the young mouse. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 84: 1-25 (pdf)
  • Nersisyan S., Bekisz M., Kublik E., Granseth B., Wróbel A. (2021), Cholinergic and noradrenergic modulation of corticothalamic synaptic input from layer 6 to the posteromedial thalamic nucleus in the rat, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fncir.2021.624381 (pdf)
  • Rogala J, Dreszer J, Malinowska U, Waligóra M, Pluta A, Antonova I, Wróbel A (2021) Stronger connectivity and higher extraversion protect against stress-related deterioration of cognitive functions. Scientific Reports, 11:17452 (pdf)
  • Paluch K, Jurewicz K, Wróbel A (2021) Beyond difference in reaction time – understanding neuronal activity during the preparatory period of the decision process. J Cogn Neurosci 2021 Feb;33(2):263-278. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01648. Epub 2020 Nov 9.
  • Jurewicz K, Paluch K, Wolak T, Wróbel A (2020) Large-scale brain networks underlying non-spatial attention updating: towards understanding the function of the temporoparietal junction. Cortex 133: 247-265. (online)
  • Redos W, Wąsowicz J, Radzikowski M, Wróbel A (2020) Czy doświadczenie Benjamina Libeta rzeczywiście kwestionuje wolną wolę? Próby wyjaśnienia paradoksu. Kosmos 69(326): 135-143. DOI: (online) (pdf)
  • Rogala J, Bajno B, Wróbel A (2020) A hidden message – decoding artistic intent. PsyCh Journal doi:10.1002/pchj.374 (online) (pdf)
  • Rogala J, Kublik E, Krauz R, Wróbel A (2020) Resting-state EEG activity predicts frontoparietal network reconfiguration and improved attentional performance. Scientific Reports 10, 5064. (online) (pdf)
  • Malinowska U, Wojciechowski J, Wróbel A, Niedbalski P, Rogala J. (2019) Spectral analysis versus signal complexity methods for assessing attention related activity in human EEG. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8856798; 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society.
  • Gajewska-Dendek E, Wróbel A, Bekisz M, Suffczynski P. (2019) Lateral inhibition organizes beta attentional modulation in the primary visual cortex. International Journal of Neural Systems, 29, No. 3, 1850047 (16 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S0129065718500478. (pdf)
  • Czarkowska-Bauch J, Wróbel A (2018) Professor George L. Gerstein Obituary. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 78: 2-3 (no. 3) (pdf)
  • Rusiniak M, Wróbel A, Cieśla K, Pluta A, Lewandowska M, Wójcik J, Skarżyński PH, Wolak T. (2018) The relationship between alpha burst activity and the default mode network. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 78: 92–106. DOI: 10.21307/ane‐2018‐010. (pdf)
  • Jurewicz K, Paluch K, Kublik E, Rogala J, Mikicin M, Wróbel A (2018) EEG-neurofeedback training of beta band (12–22Hz) affects alpha and beta frequencies – A controlled study of a healthy population. Neuropsychologia, 108: 13 – 24. (online)
  • Bekisz M, Shendye N, Raciborska I, Wróbel A, Waleszczyk WJ (2017) Reduction in spontaneous firing of mouse excitatory layer 4 cortical neurons following visual classical conditioning. Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 10445, 104452I
 © 2017 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18. doi: 10.1117/12.2281019. (pdf)
  • Paluch K, Jurewicz K, Rogala J, Krauz R, Szczypińska M, Mikicin M, Wróbel A, Kublik E (2017) Beware: recruitment of muscle activity by the eeg-neurofeedback trainings of high frequencies. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:119. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00119. (pdf)
  • Rogala J, Jurewicz K, Paluch K, Kublik E, Cetnarski R, Wróbel (2016) A The Do’s and Don’ts of Neurofeedback Training: A Review of the Controlled Studies Using Healthy Adults. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:301. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00301. (pdf)
  • Bekisz M, Bogdan W, Ghazaryan A, Waleszczyk WJ, Kublik E, Wróbel A (2016) The primary visual cortex is differentially modulated by stimulus-driven and top-down attention. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0145379. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145379. (pdf)
  • Mikicin M, Orzechowski G, Jurewicz K, Paluch K, Kowalczyk M, Wróbel A 2015. Brain-training for physical performance: a study of EEG-neurofeedback and alpha relaxation training in athletes. Acta Neurobiol Exp, 75: 434–44. (pdf)
  • Sobolewski A, Kublik E, Świejkowski DA, Kamiński J, Wróbel A (2015) Alertness opens the effective flow of sensory information through rat thalamic posterior nucleus. Europ. J. Neurosci. 41: 1321–1331. (pdf)
  • Foik AT, Popiołkiewicz J, Żeber K, Urban P, Bekisz M, Wróbel A, Waleszczyk WJ (2014) Analysis of neural networks in subcortical visual structures using correlation methods. SPIE, Vol. 9290 (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Radzewicz C, Mankiewicz L, Hottowy P, Knapska E, Konopka W, Kublik E, Radwańska K, Waleszczyk WJ, Wójcik DK (2014) Neuroengineering control and regulation of behavior. SPIE, Vol. 9290. 10.1117/12.2075158. (online) (pdf)
  • Godzińska EJ, Wróbel A (2014) Capturing the essence of decision making should not be oversimplified. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37: 85.
  • Gola M, Magnuski M, Szumska I, Wróbel A (2013) EEG beta band activity is related to attention and attentional deficits in the visual performance of elderly subjects. Int. J. Psychophysiol., 89: 334-341. (online)
  • Brzezicka A, Kamiński J, Wróbel A (2013) Local resource depletion hypothesis as a mechanism for action selection in the brain. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36: 682-683. (online)
  • Rogala J, Waleszczyk WJ, Łęski S, Wróbel A, Wójcik DK (2013) Reciprocal inhibition and slow calcium decay in perigeniculate interneurons explain changes of spontaneous firing of thalamic cells caused by cortical inactivation. J. Comput. Neurosci., 34: 461-476. (online)
  • Nersisyan S, Bekisz M, Kublik E, Granseth B, Wróbel A (2012) Cholinergic modulation of synaptic properties of cortical layer VI input to posteromedial thalamic nucleus of the rat investigated in vitro. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 72: 461-467. (pdf)
  • Kamiński J, Brzezicka A, Gola M, Wróbel A (2012) Beta band oscillations engagement in human alertness process. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85: 125-128. (online)
  • Gola M, Kamiński J, Brzezicka A, Wróbel A (2012) Beta band oscillations as a correlate of alertness – changes in ageing. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85: 62-67. (online)
  • Brzezicka A, Sędek G, Marchewka A, Gola M, Jednoróg K, Królicki L, Wróbel A (2011) A role for the right prefrontal and bilateral parietal cortex in four-term transitive reasoning: An fMRI study with abstract linear syllogism tasks. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 71: 479-495. (pdf)
  • Sobolewski A, Holt E, Kublik E, Wróbel A (2011) Impact of meditation on emotional processing – a visual ERP study. Neuroscience Research, 71: 44-48. (online)
  • Kaminski J, Wróbel A, Kublik E (2011) Gap junction blockade eliminates supralinear summation of fast (>200 Hz) oscillatory components during sensory integration in the rat barrel cortex. Brain Res Bull., 85: 424-428. (online)
  • Lindström S, Wróbel A (2011) Feedforward and recurrent inhibitory receptive fields of principal cells in the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Pflügers Archiv – European Journal of Physiology, 461: 277-294. (online)
  • Kamiński J, Brzezicka A, Wróbel A (2011) Short-term memory capacity (7 ± 2) predicted by theta to gamma cycle length ratio. Learning and memory, 95: 19-23. (online)
  • Sobolewski A, Swiejkowski DA, Wróbel A, Kublik E (2011) The 5-12Hz oscillations in the barrel cortex of awake rats – Sustained attention during behavioral idling? Clin Neurophysiol., 122: 483-489. (online)
  • Bekisz M, Garkun Y, Wabno J, Hess G, Wróbel A, Kossut M (2010) Increased excitability of cortical neurons induced by associative learning: an ex vivo study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 32: 1715–1725.
  • Sobolewski A, Kublik E, Świejkowski DA, Łęski S, Kamiński JK, Wróbel A (2010) Cross-trial correlation analysis of evoked potentials reveals arousal related attenuation of thalamo-cortical coupling. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 29: 485-493. (online)
  • Łęski S, Kublik E, Świejkowski DA, Wróbel A, Wójcik DK (2010) Extracting functional components of neural dynamics with Independent Component Analysis and inverse Current Source Density. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 29: 459–473. (online)
  • Mochol G, Wójcik DK, Wypych M, Wróbel A, Waleszczyk WJ (2010) Variability of visual responses of superior colliculus neurons corresponds to their velocity preferences. Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 3199-3209. (online)
  • Gola M, Kamiński J, Brzezicka A, Wróbel A (2008) Length of beta bursts and their frequency of occurrence – a neuronal correlates of visual attention mechanism – change with age (in Polish with English abstract). Medycyna Dydaktyka Wychowanie, Vol. XL, Supplement 1/2008: 80-85. (pdf)
  • Kamiński J, Brzezicka A, Wróbel A (2008) Aktywność EEG w paśmie alfa podczas wykonywania zadań angażujących uwagę wzrokową. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 51: 135-148 (in Polish).
  • Lewandowska M, Bekisz M, Szymaszek A, Wróbel A, Szeląg E (2008) Towards electrophysiological correlates of auditory perception of temporal order. Neurosci. Lett., 437: 139-143.
  • Łęski S, Wójcik DK, Tereszczuk J, Świejkowski DA, Kublik E, Wróbel A (2007) Inverse current source density method in 3D Reconstruction fidelity boundary effects and influence of distant sources. Neuroinformatics, 5: 207-222. (full article at Humana Press)
  • Wróbel A, Ghazaryan A, Bekisz M, Bogdan W, Kamiński J (2007) Two streams of attention dependent beta activity in the striate recipient zone of cat’s lateral posterior – pulvinar complex. J. Neurosci., 27: 2230-2240. (full article at J. Neurosci)
  • Jakuczyn W, Kublik E, Wójcik DK, Wróbel A (2005) Local classifiers for evoked potentials recorded from behaving rats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 65: 425-434. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (2005) The need for neuroinformatic approach in functional neurophysiology. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 65: 3421-124.
  • Waleszczyk WJ, Bekisz M, Wróbel A (2005) Cortical modulation of neuronal activity in the cat’s lateral geniculate and perigeniculate nuclei. Exp. Neurol., 196: 54-72.
  • Kublik E, Świejkowski DA, Wróbel A (2003) Cortical contribution to sensory volleys recorded at thalamic nuclei of lemniscal and paralemniscal pathways. Acta Neurobiol.Exp., 63: 377-382. (pdf)
  • Eckersley P, Egan GF, Amari S-I, Beltrame F, Bennett R, Bjaalie JG, Dalkara T, De Schutter E, Gonzales C, Grillner S, Herz A, Hoffmann K-P, Jaaskalainen I, Koslov SH, Lee S-Y, Matthiessen L, Millner PL, da Silva FM, Novak M, Ravindranath V, Ritz R, Ruotsalainen U, Subramaniam S, Toga AW, Usui S, van Pelt J, Verschure P, Willshaw D, Wrobel A, Yiyuan T (2003) Neuroscience data and tool sharing. A legal and policy framework for neuroinformatics. Neuroinformatics, 1: 149-166. (pdf)
  • Wypych M, Kublik E, Wojdyłło P, Wróbel A (2003) Sorting functional classes of evoked potentials by wavelets. Neuroinformatics, 1: 193-202.
  • Bekisz M, Wróbel A (2003) Attention-dependent coupling between beta activities recorded in the cat’s thalamic and cortical representations of the central visual field. Europ. J. Neurosci., 17: 421-426. (pdf)
  • Milanova M, Smolinski TG, Boratyn GM, Zurada JM, Wróbel A (2002) Sparse correlation kernel analysis and evolutionary algorithm-based modeling of the sensory activity within the rat’s barrel cortex. Proc. of the International Workshop on Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines, pp. 198-212, Niagara Falls, Canada. (pdf)
  • Milanova M, Smolinski TG, Boratyn GM, Zurada JM, Wróbel A (2002) Sparse correlation kernel analysis and evolutionary algorithm-based modeling of the sensory activity within the rat’s barrel cortex. Proc. of the International Workshop on Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines, pp. 198-212, Niagara Falls, Canada. (pdf)
  • Boratyn GM, Smolinski TG, Milanova M and Wróbel A (2002) Sparse Coding and Rough Set Theory-Based Hybrid Approach to the Classificatory Decomposition of Cortical Evoked Potentials. 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, November 18-22. (pdf)
  • Amari S-I, Beltrame F, Bjaalie JG, Dalkara T, De Schutter E, Egan GF, Goddard NH, Gonzales C, Grillner S, Herz A, Hoffmann K-P, Jaaskalainen I, Koslov SH, Lee S-Y, Matthiessen L, Millner PL, da Silva FM, Novak M, Ravindranath V, Ritz R, Ruotsalainen U, Sebestra V, Subramaniam S, Toga AW, Usui S, van Pelt J, Verschure P, Willshaw D, Wrobel A, Yiyuan T (2002) Neuroinformatics: the integration of shared databases and tools towards integrative neuroscience Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Volume 1, issue 2.
  • Kublik E, Musiał P, Wróbel A (2001) Identification of principal components in cortical evoked potentials by brief surface cooling. Clin. Neurophys., 112: 1720-1725. (pdf)
  • Dec K, Waleszczyk WJ, Wróbel A, Harutiunian-Kozak BA (2001) The spatial substructure of the visual receptive fields in the cat’s superior colliculus. Arch. Ital. Biol., 139: 337-356. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (2000) Beta band and visual attention. Psychologia-Etologia-Genetyka, 1: 167-186 (in Polish with English Abstract).
  • Wróbel A (2000) Beta activity: a carrier for visual attention. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 60: 247-260. (pdf)
  • Bekisz M, Wróbel A (1999) Coupling of beta and gamma activity in cortico-thalamic system of cats attending to visual stimuli. NeuroReport, 10: 3589-3594. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (1999) Cortical column – an example of the functional unit of the brain. In: L. Rutkowski, R. Tadeusiewicz (Eds.) Neural networks and their applications. PNNS. Częstochowa, pp. 634-636.
  • Wróbel A, Hedström A, Lindström S (1998) Synaptic excitation of principal cells in the cat’s lateral geniculate nucleus during focal epileptic seizures in the visual cortex. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 58: 271-276. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Kublik E, Musiał P (1998) Gating of the sensory activity within barrel cortex of the awake rat. Exp. Brain Res., 123: 117-123. (pdf)
  • Musiał P, Kublik E, Wróbel A (1998) Spontaneous variability reveals principal components in cortical evoked potentials. NeuroReport, 9: 2627-2631. (pdf)
  • Musiał P, Kublik E, Panecki S, Wróbel A (1998) Transient changes of electrical activity in the rat barrel cortex during conditioning. Brain Res., 786: 1-10. (pdf)
  • Musiał P, Panecki S, Gerstein GL, Wróbel A (1996) Nonlinearities within the cat LGN cell receptive fields in simulated network with recurrent inhibition. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 56: 927-942. (pdf)
  • Kowalik Z, Wróbel A, Rydz A (1996) Why does the human brain need to be a nonlinear system? Behav. Brain Sci., 19: 302-303. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Achimowicz J, Musiał P, Kublik E (1995) Rapid phase shift of evoked potentials in barrel cortex accompanies conditioning. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 55: 145. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Bekisz M (1994) Visual classification of X and Y perigeniculate neurons of the cat. Exp. Brain Res., 101: 307-313. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Bekisz M, Kublik E, Waleszczyk W (1994) 20 Hz bursting beta activity in the cortico-thalamic system of visually attending cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 54: 95-107. (pdf)
  • Michalski A, Wróbel A (1994) Correlated activity of lateral geniculate neurones in binocularly deprived cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 54: 3-10. (pdf)
  • Bekisz M, Wróbel A (1993) 20 Hz rhythm of activity in visual system of perceiving cat. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 53: 175-182. (pdf)
  • Lindström S, Wróbel A. (1990) Private inhibitory systems for the X and Y pathways in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. J. Physiol., 429: 259-280. (pdf)
  • Lindström S, Wróbel A (1990) Intracellular recordings from binocularly activated cells in the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 50: 61-70. (pdf)
  • Lindström S, Wróbel A (1990) Frequency dependent corticofugal excitation of principal cells in the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Exp. Brain Res., 79: 313-318. (pdf)
  • Michalski A, Wróbel A (1986) Spatiotemporal receptive field structure of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of binocularly deprived cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 46: 261-279, (pdf)
  • Kruk P, Wróbel A (1986) Spatiotemporal organization of the receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells in the cat: a phenomenological model. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 46: 153-169, (pdf)
  • Klimaszewski A, Gumienny P, Sarna MF, Tarnecki R, Wróbel A (1984) Amplitude discriminator for biological impulses. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 44: 147-149, (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Tarnecki R (1984) Receptive fields of cat’s non-relay lateral geniculate and perigeniculate neurons. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 44: 289-299, (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Sarna MF, Dec K, Tarnecki R (1984) Barbiturate influence upon organization of lateral geniculate receptive fields in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 44: 73-81. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Podvigin NF, Tarnecki R. (1983) Multiunit activity of the cat lateral geniculate neurons evoked by moving light pattern of variable intensity. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 42:, 135-140, (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (1982) Inhibitory mechanisms within the receptive fields of the lateral geniculate body of the cat. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 42: 93-106, (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (1981) Two-unit recordings from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. Some inhibitory interactions. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 41: 467-476 (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (1981) Light level induced reorganization of cat’s lateral geniculate nucleus receptive fields: a spatiotemporal study. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 41: 447-466, (pdf)
  • Amatuni A, Tarnecki R, Wróbel A, Rajkowski J (1981) Interaction of extracerebellar and cerebellar cortical inputs in dentate neurons of the cat. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 41: 373-390, (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Harutiunian-Kozak B, Dec K (1979) The light-dark relation in maintained discharge of collicular neurons of the cat. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 39: 173-177, (pdf)
  • Harutiunian-Kozak B, Wróbel A, Dec K (1975) The effect of background illumination on the responses of the neurons of the cat’s superior colliculus to moving stimuli. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 35: 105-114, (pdf)
  • Harutiunian-Kozak B, Dec K, Wróbel A (1974) Analysis of visual information in midbrain centers. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 34: 127-143 (pdf)
  • Harutiunian-Kozak B, Wróbel A (1974) Distribution of latencies in the receptive fields of superior colliculus neurons in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 34: 515-523 (pdf)
  • Harutiunian-Kozak B, Wróbel A, Dec K (1974) Structure of the visual receptive fields of pretectal neurons in cats. Acta Physiol. Pol., 25: 289-295.
  • Harutiunian-Kozak B, Dec K, Wróbel A (1973) The organization of visual receptive fields of neurons in the cat colliculus superior. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 33: 563-573 (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Rabczenko A, Shugar D (1970) Conformation of acid forms of Poly C: temperature and ionic strength dependence of protonation of cytidine and cytidine-5′-phosphate. Acta Biochimica Pol., 17: 339-349 (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (2013) Attentional Activation in Corticothalamic Loops of the Visual System. In: The New Visual Neurosciences, Eds. John S. Werner and Leo M. Chalupa, pp. 339-349. The MIT press. (online)
  • Wróbel A. What does the brain see? (2011) In: What is Truth in Philosophy and in Different Scientific Disciplines. (Eds. H. Hisaki and J. Niżnik), Wiedeń, pp. 11-20. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Kublik E (2001) Modification of evoked potentials in the rat’s barrel cortex induced by conditioning stimuli. In: M. Kossut (Ed.) Plasticity of Adult barrel cortex. Graham Publ. Corp. Johnson City, TN, 229-239. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A (1998) Beta frequency burst – elementary event of attention span. W: E. Szeląg, E. Pöppel (Eds.) Time and timing in neural systems. ENA Sattelite Symposium in Strzękocino. pp. 42-43. (pdf)
  • Wróbel A, Bekisz M, Waleszczyk W (1994) 20 Hz bursts of activity in the cortico-thalamic pathway during attentive perception. In: C. Pantev, Th. Elbert, B. Lutkenhoner (red.): “Oscillatory event related brain dynamics”. Plenum Press, London. NATO/A: Life Sciences, Vol. 271, pp. 311-324. (link)